Wednesday, July 29, 2009

34 weeks

The baby room is almost complete - I just need to hang a few pictures.

I can hardly believe that I'll be full term in 3 weeks and certainly have given birth in less than 8 or so weeks. We are feeling more and more ready - trying to practice our relaxation techniques and get everything in order. I now have everything I think I need for cloth diapering - wraps, pre-folds, all in ones, cloth wipes, a few hemp inserts and the right laundry detergent. I've been trying to read a bit each day in my natural birthing book and reading about caring for an infant and breast feeding for after the birth. It is a whole new world!!!

Aaron started his new job last week and is really enjoying it. He is learning a ton and looks forward to becoming more proficient at his responsibilities. With Aaron at work Mon-Friday and us sharing a vehicle, I've started the search for another vehicle. I'm determined to find a reasonable priced 2002 or newer Honda CR-V with less than 100,000 miles. It is looking like it may take a bit longer to find this than I had hoped, but I'm thankful we have time to find something we will like.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You look incredible! What an exciting time for you'll feel more love than you think your heart can hold....Amazing!