Thursday, July 12, 2012

Autumn's quotes of the week...

To grandma Nona, "Yeah, I know everything now."

Later in the day after watching a character builder DVD and being asked to put her shoes on before going in the garage, "Mommy, I will try to be obedient. Yes, I will try to be."

"Mommy, her name is still Abby, but I will call her monkey." In reference to her sister (-:

The other day after being asked to put her clothes on, "Mommy I'm not really sure that is really something I want to do right now."

To aunt Laurale , "I still need my mommy, I can't drive yet."

During night time prayers, "God doesn't want me to drive."

With nana while riding her bike, "I needed this helmet, it is helping me peddle.  I really needed it."


Kaitlin said...

What an adorable goofball!

djrepshire said...

Good times! Any chance we'll see you all before the little monkey comes?