Saturday, November 3, 2012

Abby 1 month

Abby - this first month with you has gone by so quickly!  We have stayed very busy and you have joined in (or should I say sleep right through) the fun.  We left the hospital on the 4th and went straight to Mimi's for lunch with Nana and Papa. Papa met us there as he had drove over to meet you and spend the weekend with us. It was the first really cold day of the season.  Daddy, you and I bundled up and walked to the dentist for me to get xrays and checked, as my teeth had been feeling funny toward the end of pregnancy.  All was good and so we headed to the Murphy's.  The Murphy's are our friends that graciously let us stay at their home during our time in Loveland and so we stayed a few more days before heading back home to Glenwood.
Why we had you in Loveland: A few months before you were born we moved to Colorado from Hawaii to be closer to family and save money. The way insurance worked out we could not have you in Glenwood and so we chose to go back to Loveland to the Dr that delivered your sister.

During our time in Loveland, we had dinner at the Lyon's, at Papa and Grandmas and brunch with the Wilms. We got back to Glenwood and have settled into our own little routine. The weather was beautiful the first week we were home and so we went to the parks and on a couple of walks. 
Since then we have been busy doing harvest and Halloween activities, going to the rec center to let your sister swim, shopping when needed and hanging out.

On your one week birthday we did your baby photo shoot - it was so much fun and we got some great pictures of you!  You are so beautiful!!!
When you were 2 1/2 weeks old our friends the Watson's came to see us all the way from Washington! It was such a special treat to share your baby snuggles and visit with them!

Your sister loves you so much and enjoys getting to kiss, snuggle and talk to you. She always asks if your eyes are open and if she can see them.

Things of Note this Month -

For sure First Smile - Oct 30th (you smiled a few times before this but I was unable to tell if it was intentional)

Abby, you are very vocal - you clearly let us know if you need something.  Mostly you let us know if you want fed, burped,held or your position changed. You don't really care if your diaper is clean or not.

You still sleep most of the day, but are starting to wake up a little bit more each day.  You string about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours together.  One night you slept over 5 hours at once and about a week ago you had a growth spurt and were up every 1 to 1 1/2 hours for a couple of nights. You like to be swaddled, but when you wake up it makes you angry and you want your arms out.

Your pee and poo have force - who new a girl needed a pee pee Tepee?  You were on the bed while I was changing you and before I could get the new diaper on you peed all the way up to my chest while I was standing there.  Another time I had you facing me on the changing table and you blasted me with poo and even got it all over the wall.

You are a good nurser and have no problems getting milk.  You are spit after almost every feeding, especially when set down (even after burping you) and I only know you are too full if it turns white. Sometimes you grasp my finger or the top of my shirt when nursing and it is so precious.  You are not usually fooled b the pacifier, but occasionally it does satisfy.

You are a grunter - you have all sorts of crazy and fun grunts with contorted expressions.

You give a lot of reflex smiles all day long.

You like your swing most of the time and don't like being set down unless you are in a deep sleep.

You are starting to check things out like the fan and mobile.

Your poor skin was so dried and cracked when you were born and just in the last week it has really improved.  I kept Berts Bees ointment, coconut oil and Aveno lotion on you constantly.  Your little feet and hands were the worst.

Until the last 2 baths, bathtime was tragic and caused you great distress.  You would scream at the top of your lungs (which is quite loud) from the time I undressed you until you were cuddled against me again.  The last two baths you settled in the water and seem to enjoy it.  Getting dried and dressed is still quite upsetting. I love the way your hair curls up after your bath!

You are around 7 1/2 pounds. After a couple of rounds of trying on the bathroom scale we realized that it is not very accurate. We won't get an accurate measure until after the 10th when we see the pediatrician for the first time since the hosptial.  You still only fit in your newborn clothes and the one premie shirt that used to fit does not any more. 

Abby you are a sweet little one! We are so glad you have joined our family and we look forward to getting to know you better each and ever day!

We love you so so much!!!!!!

Mommy and Daddy


Christine said...

Time sure does fly! Can't believe she's a month old already.
You have 2 beautiful girls. :)

Kaitlin said...

Happy one month sweet girl!