Monday, October 27, 2008

Another tow truck?? Grrr...

Okay - I admit it, we've struck out in the car department here in Hawaii. Our Bronco - while fun while we had it, cost a lot and only last us 4 months. It died a transmission death up on Mauna Kea at 9000 ft. Luckily 2 weeks before we lost the Bronco, we had bought a Nissan Maxima as the Bronco was costing over $100 to fill up every week and we decide a second car might actually be cheaper and it was certianly more convienient. So after 3 tows to get it to our house to sit for 4 months until we could sell it for almost nothing, at least we had another car left. Unfortunately, it took us a few months to find out that we had bought another lemon. Ughhh. Random things don't work, the A/C is a joke, the wheel bearings are starting to make noise, we paid a lot more than we thought we'd have to to have the front suspention repaired... And then tonight - it won't start, the stupid thing won't start. It was a blessing that it wouldn't start in Kona, instead of in Hawi 80 miles away where we were this afternoon. I'm sure our car insurance is hating us, 3 tows later in 9 months. At first we thought it was just the battery, but after walking a mile to Walmart and then getting a ride from friends - the new battery didn't make a lick of difference. So tow truck o tow truck come and get us. It was an interesting ride - as every tow truck expereince has been here in Hawaii. A scraggly dude, speaking pidgin, who barely knows what the levers on his truck are for comes to the rescue and then smokes in the cab on our way to the car shop. Too much fun!!!
Although car problems in themselves are not a blessing or goodness! Here are some good things!
1. We had friends that met us at Walmart so we didn't have to carry the 40 pound battery a mile back to the car.
2. We had fun chatting with our friends while we tried to fix the car.
3. The tow truck didn't kill us or put too many dents in our car.
4. Walking home at night in Hawaii is much warmer than in Colorado in late October.
5. The car didn't break down the other 5 times we stopped today many many miles from home.
6. We are healthy with good legs to walk or ride our bike to work tomorrow.
7. Work is close and it won't take too much time to walk or ride.


Kendra said...

Tara--I will keep you guys in my prayers with your car situation. Hope all works out well. You've got a great attitude despite it all.

Tara Brown said...

Thank you Kendra - It is on the road again. And hopefully if this new mechanic is right - the wheel bearings are fine and so it was actually a savings if we don't have to fix them too! Hopefully no more tow trucks! (-: Take care!!

Ashley Beth said...

Okay, I have been there with the car thing!! We had a string of "lemons" a few years ago and it was so frustrating. Good luck and remember that God knows your needs! Oh, I "tagged" you in my most recent posting on my blog. Check it out if you are interested in playing along! Have a fun weekend!