Another 2 months has pasted and you have changed so much! Not only are you bigger, but you are so much more into everything!! The house is your domain and you are pretty much into everything - all cabinet locks are now needed! If you had it your way you would be dangerously wonder the yard climbing up and down stairs and on rocks.Where's I had to move the advent calendar because you were climbing up the chair and standing on the back of it to reach the pockets. Although you do not have many words you are very vocal and are starting to make more sounds - like meh for milk (and somehow you decided that sticking your finger up your nose is the sign for milk...) For food or drink you typically do the sign for eat to your lips. You will chatter and chatter and look at us and make an unintelligible sentence expecting we fully know exactly what you have said! It is so cute - but doesn't help have a clue what you need!
Sleeping - has gotten so much better! You are now consistently sleeping from around 8pm until I feed you at 3:30-4. Most of the time you wake up around 6 for daddy and occasionally sleep past 8. During the day you occasionally take a 1-2 hour nap, but mostly take shorter 30-40 minute morning and afternoon naps.
Since your last update we got stand up paddle boards and you have enjoyed getting rides. We have slowly added the time you ride and on Thanksgiving you rode out into Kailua Bay in a lifejacket leaning on my legs with me kneeling. You eventually fell asleep! I can't wait for the first time you get to see the dolphins out there.
Funny/no so funny things we commonly say to you:
Please quite climbing on the oven
Don't pinch Autumn or pull her hair
Are you stinky?
You're okay - after you tumble, trip or bonk - you are pretty sensitive and cry easily, but this somehow does not inhibit you from doing crazy dangerous things.
Leave your diaper on please
Things that make you Abby -
You love to pick your clothes out in the morning with daddy
You are a ham and love to pose and smile for the camera
You love your baby dolls, the kitchen, dress up with hats, headbands or other clothing items
You love to brings us things to put on you that you can't get on yourself- shoes, goggles, hair clips
You love to eat and drink - almost anything we put in front of you - sausage, beans, seaweed - but will pick and chose what you like best that day leaving the lesser foods on your tray.
Your laugh is infectious - even in the middle of a fit I can kiss your belly or neck and get sweet giggles.
You are sooooooooo loud - you've got big lungs for a little girl and can shriek so loud it literally makes our ears hurt - someday you will be a great singer!
Grandma got to come spend a month with us and you did very well letting her care for you! We decided that Nana broke you in and it was a nice change compared to when Nana and Papa first arrived and you ran away from them. You enjoyed lots of special playtime and cuddles! We all dressed up as the Little Mermaid family for Halloween for your sister! While grandma was here we also had an early Thanksgiving and decorated the tree - you love putting ornaments on and off the tree. We tried to block the tree with wrapped boxes full of rocks and they just became step stools to reach higher up the tree. So we pushed them under and they at least keep you from getting to the light cords. You have become more comfortable with friends we see often even crawling into Irina's lap during gymnastics when I was holding Jack.
Abby! You are so full of life and love! You change everyday growing with curiosity and adventure for this world! We Love You Sooooo much!!
Hugs and Kisses - Momma and Dadda
Through life's ups and downs - may God's goodness be seen with increasing clarity!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Cousin Daves Vetern Day Speech to his Elementary School
Here's my Veteran's Day speech to students from this morning's assembly:
Each day at Grandview Elementary we repeat a motto:
Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Kind.
Those are values we want each of you to be committed to. However, this morning we’re going to talk about a different word – commitment. The definition of commitment is as follows:
- a promise to do or give something
- a promise to be loyal to someone or something
- the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something
The reason I want to talk about the word commitment is because in order to become a Veteran, it takes commitment.
Now, let’s back up – what is a Veteran?
A person who has served in the armed forces
Originally, Veteran’s Day was first known as Armistice Day after the treaty for World War I was signed in 1919.
Then, in 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars not just World War I.
Since then, Americans have become more and more dedicated to not just reflecting on those veterans who fought and/or died in wars but a day to honor ALL veterans. And why should we honor all veterans? We honor them because of that word I first mentioned - commitment.
The men and women seated up here today and all of those not with us but whom are veterans, made a commitment to something bigger than themselves. They promised to serve our country before anything else in their lives. They said goodbye to their families and friends and left their communities to go to far away places in order to protect our freedom.
Some had very amazing or even scary jobs where they were in charge of jet planes or huge cannons or guns. Sometimes they even had to fight with others.
Some had jobs that may have seemed as exciting, like being a mechanic or medic on those planes or boats or maybe they had a job as a communication officer where they sent messages back and forth.
But no matter what job any of these people had, they showed amazing commitment and they did it for you and for me and because of that, I want YOU to be committed to thanking them each and every Veteran’s Day.
Will you do that with me? [insert visual of 400 kids saying "yes"]
I have one more short story. Each and every year I have decided to be committed to calling several veterans who are important to me. I don’t do anything fancy. I don’t buy them presents, I don’t even send them a card, all I do is call. And one of them tells me that because of that simple “thank you” and “Happy Veteran’s Day” message, today is one of his favorite days of the year.
It doesn’t take much but that simple message can make all those years and sacrifices and that commitment I talked about, feel worthwhile.
So, boys and girls, please help me now by giving a huge Grandview round of applause on this Veteran’s Day to these men and women who committed themselves to serving us and our country.
[insert visual of 400 elementary kids, their teachers and several parents standing and clapping for 15-20 veterans here]
If you're a veteran I haven't gotten in touch with today, please know I appreciate the commitment you've role modeled. God Bless you!
Each day at Grandview Elementary we repeat a motto:
Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Kind.
Those are values we want each of you to be committed to. However, this morning we’re going to talk about a different word – commitment. The definition of commitment is as follows:
- a promise to do or give something
- a promise to be loyal to someone or something
- the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something
The reason I want to talk about the word commitment is because in order to become a Veteran, it takes commitment.
Now, let’s back up – what is a Veteran?
A person who has served in the armed forces
Originally, Veteran’s Day was first known as Armistice Day after the treaty for World War I was signed in 1919.
Then, in 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars not just World War I.
Since then, Americans have become more and more dedicated to not just reflecting on those veterans who fought and/or died in wars but a day to honor ALL veterans. And why should we honor all veterans? We honor them because of that word I first mentioned - commitment.
The men and women seated up here today and all of those not with us but whom are veterans, made a commitment to something bigger than themselves. They promised to serve our country before anything else in their lives. They said goodbye to their families and friends and left their communities to go to far away places in order to protect our freedom.
Some had very amazing or even scary jobs where they were in charge of jet planes or huge cannons or guns. Sometimes they even had to fight with others.
Some had jobs that may have seemed as exciting, like being a mechanic or medic on those planes or boats or maybe they had a job as a communication officer where they sent messages back and forth.
But no matter what job any of these people had, they showed amazing commitment and they did it for you and for me and because of that, I want YOU to be committed to thanking them each and every Veteran’s Day.
Will you do that with me? [insert visual of 400 kids saying "yes"]
I have one more short story. Each and every year I have decided to be committed to calling several veterans who are important to me. I don’t do anything fancy. I don’t buy them presents, I don’t even send them a card, all I do is call. And one of them tells me that because of that simple “thank you” and “Happy Veteran’s Day” message, today is one of his favorite days of the year.
It doesn’t take much but that simple message can make all those years and sacrifices and that commitment I talked about, feel worthwhile.
So, boys and girls, please help me now by giving a huge Grandview round of applause on this Veteran’s Day to these men and women who committed themselves to serving us and our country.
[insert visual of 400 elementary kids, their teachers and several parents standing and clapping for 15-20 veterans here]
If you're a veteran I haven't gotten in touch with today, please know I appreciate the commitment you've role modeled. God Bless you!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Abby's First Trip around the Sun!
Abby you are ONE today!! It is crazy and hard to believe that a year ago we met eyes for the first time! You are such a fun, go go go baby! Words I would use to describe you are - curious, beautiful, determined, playful, silly, clingy, opinionated, tender, loving, and climber. Abby you are a great gift from God full of love and kindness to give to the world.
I missed your 11 month update because life has been so so so busy! Your Nana and Papa arrived on Sept 4th and then we had your sister's 4th birthday and then traveled the island! It has been a busy but wonderful couple of months! You've fully mastered walking and have moved on to trying to climb up on everything you can. You can get into the black bucket chair, on Autumns lower bunk and stand on all toys and boxes under 12 inches tall! Your motivation seems to be for fun, not purely determination - I'll watch you walk into Autumn's room, stand on her new turtle stool, get down and walk out amused. You have quite the sense of humor - you will toy with us intentionally pretending to feed us food and pulling back just before it reaches our mouth and chuckle! It is so cute! You still enjoy blowing raspberries and have just learned to blow kisses. It took a couple weeks of being a cling on before you figured out that playing and cuddling with Nana and Papa was pretty great! You'd even go knock on Nana's door to let her know you wanted to play. You enjoyed shoulder rides from papa and tapping on Nana's Ipad. By the time Nana left you were even willing to let me hand you to her while I stayed in the room - a miracle!!!
We had a lovely first birthday for you on the 22th of Sept so Papa could be here for it. Many friends showed up and made it a very special celebration - you were thoroughly spoiled, got to eat cake and enjoyed cruising around with everyone here! You had a wonderful demeanor for the entire party and never seemed overwhelmed. It was really a lot of fun!
You seem to change a little everyday - it is amazing to watch! You are way into container play and love anything that holds things - you've enjoyed pulling the tupperware of bottle parts out of the cupboard and hauling it all over for days. You still enjoy pushing things and now pulling your little wagon. You take good care of your babies giving them hugs, kisses and bottles. You do pretty well out and about, but it is getting hard to entertain you for meals or shopping. Most of the time you end up under my arm 'helping' me push the cart! You have strong opinions and make sure your needs, wants and desires are known to us. You shake your head yes and pull back for no, point and shout, sign more, all done and milk. It sounds like you say mama, dada and Awe (for Autumn) - but it isn't consistent.
Sleep is about the same - it has been easier for me to just feed you when you wake, you've still never gone through a night without at least 2 feedings. We're all kind of used to it, but should start trying to get a bit longer of a stretch! Although you are up in the night, you usually string together 10-12 hours before completely waking from 8pm to 6-8am. If I didn't have to go to work at 4am, this would be a great schedule!!
Your official Dr Visit stats: Weight 16 lbs 4.8 oz (less than 3rd percentile), Height 28 1/4 inches (18th percentile), Head Circum 17 1/2 inches (27th percentile).
You light up around your sister and other children and enjoy clapping, dancing and watching and copying what the other children are doing! You certainly want to be part of the action!! You love the beach, walking in the sand, feeling it and even eating it... You also love the pool!! A few weeks ago we were at a condo with Nana and Papa and at the pool you let me put the goggles on you and you'd grab my hands and fall into the water over and over - it was so cute!! You like to ride on my stomach like a ski and bob around in the water! At the zoo you enjoy watching the birds, monkeys and other animals. Your eyes are full of curiosity!
Happy 1st Birthday Abby! We love you so so so so much and are so grateful to have you as part of our sweet little family! We look forward to getting to know you more and watching your fun little personality blossom!
Mamma and Dadda
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Autumn's 4
Autumn you are 4!!!!! Not a ton has changed since your last update - but you are loving gymnastics and able to do a cartwheel and getting better at all the skills! You started Awana Cubbies and have graduated to big kid Sunday school at church and you really enjoy doing the big kid stuff! Nana and Papa arrived right before your birthday and you have thoroughly enjoyed being spoiled! Right before your birthday was the big Kona carnival and you got to ride the Ferris wheel and eat fry bread. You are way into practicing gymnastics (including teaching your babies and animals), playing dress up, playing with your new doll house the Hogans left you when they moved and dinking around outside in the dirt or under the pine tree. You love the beach, swimming at the pool, park dates, dancing on the grassy stage at the kona inn, eating California rolls at Shimaichi, dancing with daddy and making decisions! One day friends came over and you threw on a penguin costume just to be funny! You enjoy being a silly giggle head! You enjoy your friends and seem to be figuring out how to be a good friend. You can trace and color pretty well and will copy your name fairly well. You can still read your favorite books by memory. You continue to have energy we wish we could tap and only occasionally take a nap if you've have a really busy or high exertion activity. You are a sweet and wonderful girl! We love you so much!!! Love, Mommy and Daddy
What do you want to be when you grow up? "A Doctor"
Favorite animal? Monkey
Favorite Color? Pink ("When I get older I want a pink car")
Favorite Toy? Abby's Carriage I got her for her birthday
Favorite Book? Good Night Hawaiian Moon
Best Friend? Little Calvin
Favorite Outfit? Blue and White Hawaiian Dress
Favorite room in the house? My Room
Favorite thing to cook? Cookies
Favorite food? Macoroni
Favorite fruit? Banana
Favorite vegetable? Broccoli
Favorite Netflix? Angelina Ballerina, Dragon Tales, Magic School Bus
Favorite thing to do outside? Run
Favorite thing at gymnastics? Big Trampoline
Favorite way to wear your hair? Curls
Favorite Princess? Everyone
Favorite thing to do at the beach? Playing in the water
Favorite part of the Big Island? Kamakahonu or the Hilo Zoo
Favorite thing about Abby? Dancing with her
You didn't ask me my favorite island? Which one? Colorado
Why do you love Colorado? It snows
Recent Quotes: "Will the princess in Disney be alive or dead?" "How are baby's made?" "I want to be 6!" "Can we just move back to Colorado?" "Stop talking about the snow or I'm going to want to eat some!"
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Steps and Toofers 10 Months
Sweetest Abby! You are 10 months old and cute as a button! You are still so petite people are always so surprised you are 10 months - but your motor skills confirm it! This month you let go and started taking steps. About 10 days before you took steps you started standing straight up in the middle of the floor and just standing there with nothing around. Walking has been a much longer process as you are quite happy to take a few steps a day for fun and use crawling as your main means of transportation. You've got speed crawling down pat, so walking is really for the thrill! Last night on your 10 month birthday you made it about 6 feet in distance before losing balance - you are always so proud of yourself! A couple days ago it sounded like you said up when you wanted picked up and you imitate vowel sounds regularly, but you aren't using any words consistently.
You love all toys with electronic buttons - the pink guitar, little phone, autumn's computer... and doors - the front door that I've rigged to never shut, all kitchen doors and the play kitchen door. You continue to love giving raspberry's especially to my thigh - it is so funny! You give them during church, Autumn's gymnastics lesson... you make everyone who can hear it smiles! You are a snuggle bug and especially when you are tired or someone is talking to you when we are holding you, you bury your head into our chest or shoulder. For longer periods of time you can self occupy yourself at the play kitchen or crawling around using the chairs as walking aids. Night and napping are about the same as last month - most nights you are up at least 2x and take mostly shorter naps with an increasing number of longer naps as long as it is really quiet. I've tried having you nap in the guest room but you just wake up upset after a short time - so it is worth the risk of noise to have you in your crib.
You eat pretty much anything now but prefer avocado, watermelon, cheese, dried apricot, smoothies, seaweed and eggs. You still love mommas milk and seem a long time from weaning. You still love cups, which is hard at meal time because you want one, want something to be in it, but then spit out or spill anything that is. So I let you have a little and try to appease you with an empty one. You are very good at using a straw but unless it is a smoothie after the first few sips you mostly prefer to leak it down your front. You do better with letting us give you some foods off a spoon or fork, but will most times spit it back into your hand and feed it to yourself - you are not the cleanest of eaters! That and you usually end up rubbing your head and the seat with your hands during the meal as well for a food everywhere ordeal.
We love you our sweet, smiley, full of spirit baby girl!!!
Momma and Daddy
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Worlds biggest 4th of July pineapple! |
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Abby on left and Autumn on right both at 9 1/2 months |
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Loving Watermelon! |
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At Church |
First time brushing! |
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Snuggling with Natasha (who she let hold her for much of our house warming party - a small miracle) |
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Autumn's 3 and 5/6ths
I started this post 4 months ago and just can't seem to get it finished! Our life has been totally crazy since landing in Hawaii with so many transitions! Your 3rd year has been quite a ride but so fun to watch you grow up into a little girl! Here soon it will be your 4th birthday, so I better get this finished up before your birthday gets here!!!
Several times in the last few months I see other children or Pajama's or other things your size and think, 'there is no way Autumn is that big' - and then you go stand next to them and I think, 'no way!' You have grown so much since your birthday! You are fully a little girl - a little girl with an agenda!! You are a strong willed, courageous, wonderful, sassy, brave and adventurous 3 year old! Most of the time we have so much fun swimming, playing dolls, cooking, crafting... you name it and other times we just don't know what to do with you because nothing seems to be what you want! Although we tend to butt heads daily, you show us your kind and tender side by cuddling us tight, telling us how much you love us and hugging on us every day too!
Things that make you - you!
Your do it by your self attitude! You get things done - your own way - without help!!
Confident - you have no problem telling anyone what you are thinking
You love making choices - all that parenting advise to limit choices just doesn't really work with you. If we don't give you a choice you like you just tell us so and let us know what it is you do want. Down to the smallest detail if you happen to care at the moment you have an opinion - what to wear, which shoes, where we are going, what to buy.... Luckily you are getting better about letting go of the things you don't get to choose.
You love family and friends and show concern - if something has happened to someone you always remember on your own and ask how they are doing. You always ask to pray for Uncle Josh in Afganistan and pray for your friends who have problems or hurts.
You love pretend play and making story lines with any toys.
You love flipping your body around, climbing up things, jumping off things
You have an amazing memory - you remember specific details in books, people we've met or conversations (yet still somehow forget easy rules like keep your feet off your sister...)
Life in General!
We spent the first month of your 4th year in Loveland waiting for your sister's arrival and then we went to Glenwood with Nana and Papa until the end of January. We went and played in Loveland and Denver until we flew to Hawaii on Feb 8th. We stayed with the Tresters for a couple weeks and then moved into a Condo in Keahou for 4 months until we were able to buy our own house in Kona. As usually you have done very well with all the transitions. Every new place you find your favorite activities. In Colorado you loved the rec center, the hot springs with papa, the parks, playing in the snow and shopping outings with Nana. You enjoyed special playdates with Grandma Nona, got to spend a several nights with Grandma and Papa. In Keauhou you loved having the pools and hot tubs at our Condo, going for walks picking flowers, going to Friday night Hula shows that the shopping center. You learned how to swim there and are able to do laps and tread water for several minutes. At our new house your favorite things are growing your own plants - you've got a cocoa plant, lima bean and tomato plants started and anything with the horses next door - watching them, riding them, petting them, watching others ride them, talking about them, saying good bye, hello or good night and pretending to be the neighbor boys that own the horses.
You love your sister very much - love to make her laugh, tickle and kiss her and keep her safe! You like to help her walk and for the most part share your toys with her. You love getting to give her approved foods and take baths with her. You are a great big sister!
Memorable quotes!
Are ants allergic to duck tape?
I'm the one in charge, I'm going to teach you my way!
I love mommy's armpits and your cheeks, I like the pokey hairs.
Abby quit screaming out your head!
You're hurting my ears (said about many things)
Mom I don't like your cool nature (when insisting you needed a bath).
You like the words sure, absolutely and love making up words and definitions for them - wishing I had written them down!
You love to ask question, lots of why questions.
"You can come over on thursday at 20 oclock for another party," (to someone leaving our house)
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