Saturday, October 25, 2008

Learning to be a Friend, Loving being a Friend

"Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?"- Proverbs 17:17

I must say that the last month has been one of my most difficult. Maybe that is because it is so fresh in my mind, or maybe it is because it really has been the most difficult. My heart aches daily and tears are about 5 seconds from my eyes at any moment. I try not to be the kill joy at work, at friends gatherings - but I have a hard time relaxing or letting myself back to my carefree life of the last year. I feel this way, not because I've lost or been hurt myself, but because close friends of mine are traveling a road nobody would ever wish on their worst enemy.

What does it mean to "share troubles"? I know I haven't quite figured it out yet, I know that I've made mistakes in the process - but most of all I know that I must "share troubles." I have no choice, these are my dear friends, I must love and share. I have to admit that I don't fully understand how prayer works - but I feel stuck in that prayer is the only avenue of "sharing the troubles" most of the time. I wish to do more, but know that more may not be what is needed. May God guide me, as I need serious guidance in figuring out how to be a friend during these times.

God is good. I say this because I know that He is the one who is sustaining my friends, He is the one that gives them hope, joy, and peace during these trials. He is the ultimate friend - the ultimate giver - the ultimate savior. May I just be who he wants me to be in this time. May I have ears to hear His voice as he gives me my little jobs in "sharing troubles."

I'm being blessed by those experiencing the trials!? Why is it that I feel like I'm the one benefiting from the friendship in times like these? I have learned so much from my friends and been blessed by their grace and love toward me during their trials. These more difficult life trials have been given to them before I've had my turn. They have shown me how to trust God through the good, the bad, and the very ugly. They are living proof that God can somehow redeem the evil in th
is world and truly has a beautiful plan for those who love Him. My good friend here in Hawaii who found out today that she has malignant cancer said, "I'll call you tomorrow and see how you are doing." How I'm doing? The love we get to receive and give as sisters in Christ is beyond words. Just beyond words. Praise God that we get to share our troubles and share in our friend's troubles.

"Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil." -- Baltasar Gracian (1647).

1 comment:

Ashley Beth said...

It is true, we often feel like we are somehow receiving a benefit when we are carrying the burden for friends or praying for others. I find that my happiness is tenfold when I am caring for fellow believers (and non-believers too) through prayer or servanthood. I love that God gives us the desire to serve, to be a good friend, to carry the load and He still blesses us in the midst of it all. Your friends are surely blessed to have you by their sides. Blessings....