Saturday, October 9, 2010

13 months

Sweet Girl! You continue to amaze us!!! Everyday you do things that make us so proud, make us laugh and touch our hearts!!! It has been another wild month where we drag you all over the world and you easily adjust and have fun - whether we are in a car, on a plane, in our living room, on the beach, at friends, in our yard or walking around town!

You monkey see, monkey do everything from trying to put on clothes (or anything), snapping buckles, putting on lids, chasing us, talking on the phone, stuffing things in and out of bags to scribbling. You have also started to get creative and start to use your toys in ways that we have not shown you! You are starting to be more interested in books. For long periods of time you entertain your self by running from room to room rearranging everything, moving/stuffing toys and other things. You like to move - run, climb and push, pull and lift things. The first day in Hawaii we got to the beach and you walked up to a large lava rock (bigger than a basketball) and tried to pick it up. I looked at Angie and said - that defines my child!! You are a go getter - busy busy busy!!

Yes, you got up there all by your self!

You have gotten a few more words this month - Fish = Shhh, Ball and Book = Ba, All done, More = ma. You sign all done, more, give hi five and blow kisses.

Things you love!
Being Free - not into holding our hand
Putting things on yourself
Hugs and Kisses
Your car seat - when you want to be in it playing
Trying to drink out of a big girl cup
Running on the beach
Getting hit by waves
Gibber Gabbering
Ellas (puppies)
Baby Dolls
Pushing your self down slides (or backing up to a wall or bed and sliding down)

You like anything you choose to do - but have a hard time enjoying the things we needed you to do - like getting dressed, changing diapers, getting buckled in, stopping when you cross boundaries (like zooming out of the house).

Everyday your bright, spunky opionated personality continues to grow and develop! We love you so much and are so proud and blessed to be your mommy and daddy!!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

I love the beach pictures! As she gets older, she reminds me of Elliana some (same independant spirit). She's so cute.