Friday, March 4, 2011

1 and a half!

Wow! Autumn you are one and a half and time is not slowing down! We have had a fun month - your last one living on the Palouse. We moved out of the Farm house and back in with the Watsons. We spent a weekend in the mountains and lakes of Northern Idaho and you and mommy drove to Olympia to see our friends Oli, Laine and Kevin. You were a trooper - we were in the car for 6 1/2 hours, sat at the shipping dock for 2 hours, in the airport for another 2 and flew back and you never shed a tear. We stopped in south Seattle and walked around the mall and ate at the Rain Forest Cafe! You loved all the monkeys and birds up in the trees and got to sit next to the fish tank for dinner.

In general your life is pretty similar to last month except that we have been sick the last week and so you have spent extra time with mommy. You have spent many days playing with Kaitlin and Mara and really missed them while they were out of town for the weekend. I told you they'd be back on Sunday and when they got here you excitedly said "Mar back!" Hopefully you will get well soon and be able to play with them again before we move.

The TV: You continue to love Elmo - no other monster or character catches your eye quite like Elmo. We have been letting you watch your Elmo movie more often and you seem to really be able to follow what is going on. You have also become interested in watching the TV when we are watching something as well, which you never used to do. It is interesting to hear what you have to say about it. Daddy was watching Karate Kid and you kept saying eye, eye when the little girl and boy were shown. Below you are holding the $2 Elmo we scored at the goodwill.

New Skills: Your interest of the month has been clothing. Taking it on, off, doing zippers, snaps ... One morning instead of waking and crying you took your pajamas and diaper off. You really like working the zippers on your jamies and jackets and want to be able to start them. Last week I was trying to get you dressed and you took your clothes to the step, sat down and tried to put them on yourself. You would not let me help you. You were able to string your legs into the holes, but finally accepted my help to pull them up. The shirt - well, we just left it off for a while because you couldn't get it on and wouldn't let me help. One of the babies has a dress on and you've been unsnapping it, removing it and then asking me to put it "back on."
You've mastered your 26 piece letter puzzle. It totally amazes me that you are able to locate where all the letters go and you can also pick up many letters and know which picture goes with it. If you pick up the M you say milk, W you say wagon, L you say lion... I'm not quite sure what is next for puzzles as I think the next step is large set in jig saw pieces - maybe we'll give it a whirl just to see!

Language: You continue to explode with your vocabulary. We were at the store and you label things as we walk by them - bread, apple, cado (avocado), sawbeay (strawberry) ... it was so cute. You talk in 2-4 word sentences and try to repeat us all day. You also went through a strong 'no' week. Saying 'no' to everything - it was usually a fairly nice no, but we are glad it has worn off a bit. You said "I lub you" for the first time on Valentines and say"baby lub," which is what I call you. You enjoy saying "bye bye and night night" to everything.

Sleeping: You went through a couple week streak of taking 3-4 hour naps most days, but now you have a cold and napping has become a challenge again. It is also fairly common that you will play with your books and babies in your crib 30-60 minutes before falling asleep. You are sleeping most of the way through the night again, only occasionally do you need cuddles around 4am and then will sleep until 6:30 or 7:30.

Autumn you are such a joy and adventurous spirit! We love watching you figure out this world! This next couple of months you are going to see so many new things - we will be traveling to Maui, Big Island, Thailand, Myanmar, Oahu and Molokai!! We can't wait to enjoy the beaches, ocean waves, new foods and good friends with you!

Biggest Hugs and Kisses,
Mommy and Daddy

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