Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good Bye 2012 and Hello 2013!

2012 Reflection Questions:

1. What was the best thing that happened to me this year? Meeting our 2nd baby girl and the huge amounts of time we have got to spend with family and friends!

2. What did I do this year that I'm really proud of? A second natural birth, relaxing a bit more about money, deciding Kona will be our home

3. Who did I really help? My students in Kona and house projects for my parents (they have been so generous to keep us and I've had fun decorating, fixing and adding here and there!)

4. Who do I need to thank and acknowledge for having been there for me? My mom - she is my closest friend (other than Aaron of course)

5. What are the top three lessons I learned? Life is to short to sweat the small stuff, I still need more Grace toward others and myself, Life is so good

6. What increased my happiness and joy this year? My family

7. What's something I got through that was really tough? I don't think I would consider anything to be really tough this year

8. What did I avoid that I must pay more attention to in 2013?  Eating right - pregnancy/nursing consumption will need to end 

9. What character trait did I develop most this year?  Contentment

10. What new people did I meet that are now in my life? Hogans

A few fun adventure stats from 2011:

States visited: 8
Nights spent in different cities: 18
Days with the Watsons: Not enough (-: 11

Goals for 2013!

1. Back to pre-pregnancy weight
2. Spend 20 minutes 5x a week in God's word
3. Buy or build in Kona
4. Work part time
5. Surf 3-4x a month
6.  Run a 10 k in under 60 mins

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