Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Doctor's Visit

Today Aaron and I went to the doctor's for our first visit. Overall it was good and we like our doctor.

In addition to good, it was also a bit interesting. Here in Hawaii I've somehow ending up picking doctors who take all patients regardless of insurance coverage or income. In Kona I saw a doctor for my annual that was a nice guy, but I guess you could discribe his office as a mess! His wife interviewed you in the hallway, there were huge gaps above the rooms that allowed you to hear everything else going on, the bathroom was full of weird nicnacks and you got your percriptions at his desk piled high with papers on the floor and desk. Oh, did I mention that I had a very hard time understanding him through his thick accent. Even though, I never saw anybody else because he was nice and seemed like a good doctor.

Here in Maui the doctor that was suggested to me works for the commuinity clinic. My first visit they took over an hour to test my urine and tell me I was pregnant before they would schedule my visit with the doctor for another day. They pulled me into a file room where the scale was and then had me sit on broken chair - she went and tested my urine, came back and said, "you are pregnant" to which I replied "I'm not surprised" and then she handed my vitamins and said I could go schedule my appointment.

Today a straight faced nurse yelled my name, took me to the same file room and weighed me again and then said "did you pee in a cup?" I replied "ummm, was I supposed to?" She replied in an erritate voice "yes you are supposed to everytime." I replied "Oh, I guess I would need to know that?" I had just emptied my bladder and told her I may not have anything more to offer. She just walked off. Fortunately situation avoiding, I found an ounce to give. She then came in and said "hey you! come." and took me to my room. I laugh, because the clinic's motto is "Where Aloha is more than a word." She gets a -5 on the Aloha scale.

Okay, now on to the good part of the visit. Our doctor came in and was very friendly, knowledgable and kind. She asked how we heard about the clinic and we hold her that Dr. Hassell (a friend of ours) had recommended her. She said, oh yeah, he told me that he refered someone. She said "I asked him if he told you about the clinic? We are federally funded and most folks like you guys come once and never come back. I won't be offended if you go somewhere else, I know a couple of good OB's that you woud like." We thought this was pretty funny but were thankful for her honestly. We told her that we would be moving back to Loveland in June, and that as long as we can tolerate the nurses that we would like to stick with one doctor before we move.

Everything else went smoothly and she used the dopler to help us hear the baby's quick little heart beat. It was amazing, so fun to have audible signs of the life growing in me. I'm not going to go into too much detail about my issues with ultrasound. Before this visit I had decided that I only wanted one at 18-20 weeks to have them check the babies organs health and the cord's health. I had decided that I didn't want any others. However, I decided to let her take some quick pictures of the baby today. She had the ultrasound head on my tummy for less than 15 seconds and took 2 pictures of the baby to determine length. The baby is at a length average for 10 weeks, 1 day, 7 days behind our anticipated size. If it is within 7 days they keep the due date the same. My main motivation was to have an accurate due date so that they don't induce me earlier than they should, should I not start labor on my own. I decided that the 15 seconds with the ultrasound was worth not getting induced earlier than I should be. I guess I went into more detail than needed. (-:

So, everything looks good! Healthy heartbeat and a little peanut shaped baby is really inside me!!!!

1 comment:

djrepshire said...

Now that sounds pretty exciting! Hmmm... Ah, the nuances of living on the islands. We actually toyed with the idea of crashing your living space again on Maui, before you guys head back this way, but are still undecided.:) Maybe you don't need the extra stress!:)

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Love you guys!