Saturday, April 18, 2009

19 and a half weeks

Making progress!! This week I got - "oh, I can see your little bun!" and "if you're pregnant, you need to get fatter." and "how far along are you because you don't look pregnant?" I've heard that the comments continue to get better and that people really do think they can say anything to you if you are pregnant. It is kind of funny and maybe a little obnoxious!

I will focus on the first comment! For the first time this week I looked in the mirror and thought, yes - that looks pregnant - not just thicker!

The baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He or she is just a bit larger this week - about 6 inches and 8 ounces.

Life - life is pretty good. Work is going smoothly for now, Aaron leaves for a wedding in Colorado on Wednesday and my parents get here for a visit on Thursday. We have been more active lately going on nice walks and even went out swing dancing last week. I'm still counting down the days - 34 more days of work and we get home to Colorado in 8 1/2 weeks. I think that the idea of having a baby in our arms in 20 weeks or so is becoming more and more real. Today Aaron looked at my tummy and said "I'll be ready to hold our little baby." Today I felt like the baby might be a girl - I don't know why - just a feeling. Tomorrow I might feel like maybe he's a boy! Who knows!? We are praising the Lord for the miracle of life!


Mindy said...

I hope I look as great as you do when I am prego! :)

LeeAnn said...

You look really great Tara! Are you going to find out the baby's gender?