Saturday, January 9, 2010

4 Months - Keeps getting Sweeter!!

It has been a very busy month little girl. You just keep growing - you have now doubled your birth weight coming in right around 12 pounds. You are mostly wearing 3-6 month clothing, but still fit some 0-3 month jeans and shirts. I am also still using your newborn footie pants - shouldn't all pants have footies for your age, socks sure don't stay on! Your smile is getting bigger and you started giggling! You first busted up laughing at Ella playing fetch on the 26th of December, but now we can get you to giggle when we give you funny looks, play peek-a-boo, tickle you and kiss your neck. You love your daddy very much and like to gaze at him, and now you are playing with his goatee. You like to be held by me and sometimes get upset when I'm not around. You have such a sweet temperament, and are happy most of the time. However, you do voice your opinion at times as well. At certain times you want to be held, don't want be in the car seat or want to stand up. You are starting to take steps when we hold both your hands, can sit up in you bumbo, roll all the way onto your side and almost on to your tummy, lift your head up high when on your tummy and stand on your feet for 20-30 minutes at a time. This month you decided you don't really like a pacifier and much prefer putting your whole hand or 3 fingers in your mouth and sucking. You like to talk a lot but also can be very quiet too. I love your sweet little voice. You've graced both your Nana and Granddad with phone conversation. You are an amazing sleeper. You recorded a record 10 hours in a row the other night and regularly sleep 6-8 in a row. You are a night owl like your momma, never going to bed before 10:30 and usually between 11-12pm. You don't have a strict schedule, but a typical day looks like this:
9am - rise and shine hungry - momma feeds you
9:45-12 - Momma eats breakfast while you play on your mat, we hang out, play, and do chores
12ish you lunch and then momma eats lunch
12-5 you might take a nap or not, some days, like today, you stay awake from 9am to 4pm and then only take a short 1 hour nap. We cook, clean, eat again, play in the exersaucer, do tummy time, run errands, take pictures, see our cousins...
5-6 We make dinner
6 Daddy gets home and we eat dinner
6-10 You play, watch a little TV with daddy, and hang out with us - you enjoy watching what we are doing and checking out everything in a room
10-11 you eat and eat and eat and eat and then sleep until morning

Your first holiday season:

You went to your first Nutcracker and made it the whole show without fussing. You ate and watched and ate some more. Catherine and Rachel were great ballerinas!

We went to the Willm's for Christmas Eve dinner and then went over to Grandma and Papa's until the Christmas Eve service. You sat quietly and ate during the Christmas Eve service while we listened to Jim's nice service about God's love for us in the gift of Jesus. We then went and had desserts at Grandma and Papas.

Christmas morning we woke up around 9, you ate, Momma started bread and potatoes and then we opened gifts. You got an Around the World exersaucer from Nana and Granddad, a cloth Christmas book from Great Grandpa and Grandma, a stocking full of pacifers, rattles and other baby stuff from Santa and a Certificate of Deposit for college from Daddy and Momma.

We then headed over to Uncle Jeremy's for Christmas with the family: Grandma, Papa, Aunt Lisa, Uncle Josh, Ashton, Addy, Uncle Jeremy, Camry, Uncle Dan, Aunt Cindy and Saleem. We ate a delicious meal and then opened gifts. You got a beautiful Autumn Doll, a talking book, a talking purse, and a Best Buy gift certificate. We spent all day there and you cuddled with your Grandma and Aunties.

The day after Christmas you went for your first snowshoeing trip - you were a trooper and then slept much of the way back to the car!

Over Christmas time you met many people for the first time! Uncle Dan, Aunt Cindy, Saleem, Todd, Alissa Kaitlin, Amanda, Olivia, Eric, Mendy, Dustin, Tiegan, Rhonda, Stephen, Shannon, Aunt Laurale, Uncle Dean, Rachel, and Aunt Paige and many others.

For New Years - we went to Nana and Granddads. You had fun showing them your giggle, playing and cuddling.

We saw your Great Grand Parents twice and went to Grand Junction twice to see friends. Olivia loved you and wanted to hold your hand! This trip we also found out that we are glad that cloth diapering works for us because in disposables you blew out and of about 7 diapers - icky icky to clean up! Then we came home to clean up all our holiday fun and Wacky Warmers messes! It was a great first holiday season - you are our little angel!!!!

Happy 4 Months Autumn Keanna!!! We love you!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We think Autumn is the perfect Great-granddaughter, and we enjoy her mom & dad and grandparents, also!