Monday, January 18, 2010

Cloth Bums - A learning experience

If I were to know then what I know now... I would get

24 to 36 Chinese prefolds
6 Small Bummis Super brites
16 Bumgenuis All in ones with Velcro and microfiber inserts
6 Medium Bummis Super brites (which you wouldn't need to get until your first is big enough)
6 Large Bummis Super brites (may not need - if your baby gets big enough)

Accessories -
2 Bummis wet bags
Flushable liners
Safety 1st Easy Saver Diaper Pail
Grandma El's Diaper Cream
Country Save Detergent
Oxy Clean for striping
3 hemp insert doublers for night diapering
10-15 cloth wipes (easy to make from flannel)
Wet Wipes (I tried using only cloth wipes for a while and I prefer to wipe down with cloth and then finish with a wet wipe, I just feel like I can get it cleaner that way)
Regular Washer and Dryer - Not HE (the more water the better for washing diapers!)


Rebecca said...

I even wait on the large wraps. Isaiah was potty trained before he outgrew the medium wrap. The medium last so long size wise.

Tara Brown said...

I wondered - as 30 pounds is big!! Thank you Rebecca!

Ashley Beth said...

Oh, how much easier it'll be if you have a second little bum to cloth diaper someday! Live and learn is a constant phrase used in parenting! :)

Lindsay said...

Ahh yes. Isn't cloth diapering an adventure!? Out of curiosity, what have you used that you don't like? I gave up on prefolds a while ago. Maybe it was the cover I was using. I really like thirsties fitteds for Aaron when he was a newborn. I love my Rocky Mountain Diapers, although getting the sizing right can be tricky. I am about to try Bum genius one size diapers and drybees fleece night time diapers.

Tara Brown said...

I don't really like my Bumgenius all in one organics with snaps - hard to get it to fit right and you have to twist the leg fitting just right and even then it may leak pee if clothing is touching. That is why I like the super brites with gussets. I use the prefolds with both the Bumgenius AIO pocket diapers with Velcro and in the Bummis. They work well for me the way Bummis website suggests using them for girls. I also like that they double well for burp rags. Have heard other moms say the the snaps are hard between sizes as well and I've had good luck with the Velcro - but do need to comb them out. (-: